Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Wow, this week has sure been a kicker! Started off this last Sunday with Silas coming down with Croup. I stayed home from church to be with him so Jason could take Logan. By Monday, he was much worse and I started to get a fever, aching jaw and a severe headache that lasted all day. Tuesday was the day we were all to leave with Jason on his week long work trip to Vegas. We've been looking forward to this as a family for 2 months now. It was the perfect time to go on a vacation with Logan off track for the entire month. I haven't been to Vegas in 7 years, which means neither of the boys have either, and with the hotel, Jason's meals and a car rental paid for, it was going to be an easy, and cheap get away. By Tuesday afternoon Si still sounded like a barking seal and my headache was officially a migraine, so dad left all the sickies home! Talk about disappointing, and then poor Logan. He was heartbroken that we weren't going to Vegas. We've been telling him about the Knights, and the roller coaster, and boat rides, and the M&M candy store and now not only did he not get to go, but we was stuck home with Si and I. He was so sad, so I promised him a trip to Walmart to pick out a treat and a toy. By Wednesday my migraine was much, much worse. The pain was now radiating down my neck and spine, I was dizzy and couldn't keep any food down, and I had lost vision in my right eye. I called my OBGYN to finally get a prescription for a safe nasal decongestant. She advised me to give it another day doing the Netti pot and steam inhalations and if that didn't work then we would try the nasal decongestant. I couldnt' believe my luck. I haven't been sick in years, literally, and the moment Jason is out of town for a week, I feel like I'm on my deathbed. Thank heavens there wasn't an emergency and I didn't need to drive anywhere. Logan was such an angel. He was the best helper with Silas, what a great kid. I couldn't move an inch without my entire head feeling like it would explode. I pretty much lived on the couch and moved to fix meals for the boys, change diapers, give baths, etc.....that was it! By Thursday my pain was even worse, so now I knew something was wrong and that it had to be more than just sinus pressure from a cold. I decided to call my Family Practicioner, Dr. Peterson (who is AMAZING). After several specific questions and a one minute phone call he could tell that I had a major sinus infection that had spread to the fluid/bone in my face and head. He immediately called in a pregnancy safe antibiotic. About this time Jason called me to say that he was headed home early from this was perfect timing! He was able to pick up my prescription and was home by 5 pm. After 24 hours on antibiotics, the pain had lessened and I was able to keep food in my stomach. By yesterday (Saturday) I started to feel like a normal functioning mother again...I was even able to vacuum and bake cookies! Today I have a minor headache but most of the pain in my neck and jaw is gone. What a relief! I have definitely been humbled. I know I have an easy life, I know I am blessed, and I try not to take all I have for granted. But this experience really opened my eyes. I am so blessed to have a healthy body. I couldn't help but feel sorrow and sadness for people suffering from cancers, or chronic illness. My entire life came to a complete stop for 4 days because of a migraine! I could barely function beyond the pain and nausea, and yet there are people that fight this battle for years! I couldn't play games with my kids, or even read them a book, and that was hard on me. As bad as I thought it was, it could have been so much worse. At least I have running water and a toilet, a microwave, a fridge and a washing machine. I didn't have to go to a well to get water, or kill a chicken to cook dinner. I can't imagine being my great grandmother trying to cook meals and wash clothes by hand feeling as ill as I did. Today, I take in a deep breathe of gratitude. Thankful for the chance I have to enjoy my life and my children, and so thankful for antibiotics!

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