Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Logan drew some pictures at home to describe some vocabulary words we were studying.

I love the humor and wit in his pictures.
He drew a picture of me in the bombing at my elementary school for the word survive. It caught me a little off guard, and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy that he understands what happened to me, and that he also feels my gratitude to be alive.

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