Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, February 13, 2012


Logan is very serious when it comes to making his Valentine's Box. It doesn't help that I let him run wild with his imagination and create whatever is on his mind. So far it's been easy. We did a Robot for Kindergarten and a Rocket for First grade. This year we had plans to make it the Sunday afternoon before Valentine's (dad would be home). Wouldn't you know he changed his mind as we were getting started to make Optimus Prime (next year I guess). He wanted to make a Guitar. OOOookay...not so easy! Wouldn't you know there is NOTHING on Pinterest about making a Valentine's Guitar box. I was shocked! I searched several search engines and nada. So, we winged it. Found a really cook picture of a guitar online and we recreated it with a little kiss-azz! Luckily we had everything we needed.
Written by Amy Williams,
Featuring Logan Williams, Produced by Jason, Amy and Logan Williams. Introducing Cupid's Bow and Arrow Guitar!!
You will need :
Cardboard (preferably one piece long enough to make the entire guitar, we had to use two separate pieces because of the last minute change of plans and we only had a small box to use) spray paint, string, tissue box, your imagination, and paint, markers, strickers, or a printer to decorate it.
Free hand the shape of the guitar over cardboard.
Cut them out.
Since we had to make the guitar in two pieces, we over lapped the base and the neck of the guitar for extra support, then glued them together with gorilla glue, and secured it with masking tape for extra measure.
Didn't have a used tissue box, so had to open a new one, darn it! Looks like these will go into my 72 hour kits. I used the tissue box pop-out tab as a template to draw the cut out on the front of the guitar to line up the box on the back to hold the cards.We cut out the hole in the front, flipped it over and glued the tissue box to the back, then taped the crazy right out of it.
We used red push-pins as the "thingys" that hold the guitar wire. I used red wrapping ribbon as the wire.
Because the push-pins were too long and poked through the cardboard to the other side, we measured and cut two pieces of cardboard the same size to fit all four push-pins, then taped it over the sharp ends.
We planned it so the "thingys" on the other end of the guitar would be right over the inside of the tissue box, so we didn't have to worry about the "pokeys."
Logan playing around before we got to the design phase.
We decided on a "love around the world" theme, and glued notes and the word love in 25 different languages across the guitar strings as if they were sheet music.
Start to finish: 2 hours, including potty breaks, spraying time...drying time, diaper changes, and snacks!
 He passed out these guitar suckers to his classmates. They said, "Happy Valentine's. You Rock!" We printed out the sucker templates from Pinterest.

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