Monday, February 13, 2012
My mudroom has been a P.I.P since we moved in. Project in progress! I specifically have one counter that I loathe! All the bags that rule our life, and books, and church stuff, and work stuff, and misc., are piled, and piled and piled on the counter! I've been wanting to buy cubbies with baskets for over 2 1/2 years, but the money I continually budget to buy them is constantly getting robbed by Peter to pay Paul. I really want the IKEA cubbies, but they are about $150. I look for them second hand on ksl, but they sell within hours of being listed. Sorry that I don't have a before pic of the mess, but you can imagine what I'm talking about. I'd have to dig to China through the bags every day to find the one bag I needed. Yes, I have a lot of bags, I know! I have diaper bags for specific occasions and individual children. One for when all 3 kids are with me, one for when it's just the baby, one for when it's just the boys, several purses, and a specific church bag. This does make my life easier, I'm not always pulling stuff out and putting it back in, and leaving stuff behind, and letting it pile up. It's all contained. Anyway, back to my "bag"hole of Calcutta!(black hole if you missed the humor ;-)) I finally got tired of waiting for the coffers to open, so I improvised. Heavy duty apple boxes. Now I just want to say for the record that I'm only sharing this because a friend told me she thought it was a brilliant idea, so I thought I'd share.
Logan is very serious when it comes to making his Valentine's Box. It doesn't help that I let him run wild with his imagination and create whatever is on his mind. So far it's been easy. We did a Robot for Kindergarten and a Rocket for First grade. This year we had plans to make it the Sunday afternoon before Valentine's (dad would be home). Wouldn't you know he changed his mind as we were getting started to make Optimus Prime (next year I guess). He wanted to make a Guitar. OOOookay...not so easy! Wouldn't you know there is NOTHING on Pinterest about making a Valentine's Guitar box. I was shocked! I searched several search engines and nada. So, we winged it. Found a really cook picture of a guitar online and we recreated it with a little kiss-azz! Luckily we had everything we needed.
Written by Amy Williams, Featuring Logan Williams, Produced by Jason, Amy and Logan Williams. Introducing Cupid's Bow and Arrow Guitar!!
Written by Amy Williams, Featuring Logan Williams, Produced by Jason, Amy and Logan Williams. Introducing Cupid's Bow and Arrow Guitar!!
Cardboard (preferably one piece long enough to make the entire guitar, we had to use two separate pieces because of the last minute change of plans and we only had a small box to use) spray paint, string, tissue box, your imagination, and paint, markers, strickers, or a printer to decorate it.Free hand the shape of the guitar over cardboard.
He passed out these guitar suckers to his classmates. They said, "Happy Valentine's. You Rock!" We printed out the sucker templates from Pinterest.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Aunt Taska is in town for a visit. She brought the crew: Zailee, Hatcher and Brielle, so there is lots of fun being had at my house....with dress up, and hide and seek, lego building and the general chaos you get when best buddies get together and run around playing and screaming like wild hooligans! I'll post pics later. The greatest part of their visit, Taska made a quilt for Kresta, and it is oh so precious!
I turned over each lid and filled them with things I had around the kitchen.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Because all of our living in done on the main floor and all of the bedrooms, the playroom and the laundry room are on the second floor, there are always piles and piles of things that need to go back upstairs. Some days there is a pile on a step, and the floor next to the step, and in the basket designated for "things to put away" on the dining table. Truthfully, it's just strung all over the house! I'd finally reached my "limit", so I decided to make a change and went hunting around the house for something I could use. I knew I didn't want to hang a basket on the railing, or make a basket that would sit on the stairs (With my clumsiness, are you kidding? That would just be an emergency room visit waiting to happen!) I didn't want to spend any money or spend much time. I found the perfect thing! Introducing my new junk baskets:
1-is my bedroom, 2- Kresta, 3- laundry, 4- boys room, 5-playroom. I just love being organized, and when I'm organized, I'm happy, and when I'm happy, EVERYONE is happy!
This is what she's doing as I post these photos:
Such a precious little girl.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
For over 2 1/2 years I've had to deal with kids hanging, climbing, and jumping over the back of the living room couch off the kitchen dining area. I can't really blame them, it's just too much of a temptation. I've been looking for some type of a decor to divide the room and prevent this.Finally, I found it! Look at these really cute, french countryish garden gate doors I bought from Hobby Lobby for $85 ea.
Patience IS a virtue. I've been looking for over 2 years for a tall tree to fill the second-story stairwell in my house. Not an easy feat on a $100 budget. Trees of this size, are very, very expensive....start out around $750. Yikes! Most of the time they sell around $300 on ksl, and they sell quickly. Well, the heavens finally opened for me.
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