Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, November 14, 2011


I heard Silas tell Logan the following, "Logan, doyunt our ancestows were pirates from the Atlantis Ocean!"

Logan was playing with Kresta and she was having a good ol' time giggling, and cooing and kicking her little feet into the air. He then turned to me and said, "Mom, I'm sure happy that Kresta chose to come to our family."

I was cleaning my bathroom and Silas came walking in cool as you please decked out head to toe in a cowboy costume. I asked him, "Well Sherrif, what are your plans today?" He replied, "I'm gonna go cowboy dancing wiff my cowboy goolofwend!"

Logan asks me, "Mom, what is a Murderer?" I replied that it's someone who kills another person. He asks, "Well, what if they lie about it, what do you call them then?" I said,"Even if they lie about it the police will know if they are telling the truth, so they'll still be called a murderer." Logan reflected upon what I said for a minute then he responded, "I have a better idea. They should just call a person who kills someone else but lies about it, a liedur." LOL!

Silas and I were making cookies and he asked if he could be the one to scoop them onto the cookie sheet. Right as he was scooping up the first ball of dough on the spoon, he turned to me and said, "Drum roll please!"

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