Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Jason was watching the boys as I was packing for my tip to Oregon (more on my trip to come), and Silas walked up to him and asked for something, "Ets en da dua dad." It's in the door Jason said. "No, en da dua" Silas replied. It's on the floor Jason said. Now Silas was getting frustrated, 'No dad, en da dua!!" Logan walks in and quickly says, "He's saying it's in the drawer dad."

The night before I had the long ride to Oregon with the kids to visit mom for a week, Jason decided we should do dinner out, less stressful. We headed to IHOP and dusk was beginning to grow into night, and the moon was just coming out. All of a sudden, from the backseat, Silas screams, "Ets a meteo, a meteo, mom a meteo es coming toad us way up en da sky. Is et gonna hit us." I turn around to see what he's talking about and he's pointing at the moon! I'm sure we can thank Monsters vs. Aliens for this one!

As we were getting closer to Irrigon, OR after 10 hours of driving in the van, mom called my cell to get an ETA. Silas must have overheard my conversation from the backseat, because as soon as I hung up he said, "Are yew so ekited to see yews mom, mama?" Sweet boy!

One of the evenings in OR we had a blood moon due to all he smoke in the atmosphere from forest fires (made beautiful sunsets!) Logan was more than concerned that the moon was red, because it's supposed to be "yellowish-white" he pointed out. Silas overheard Logans comment and he turned to him to say, "Maybe ets wed cuz ets sad, maybe ets bin cwying."

Silas was falling into the bed at Nanna Sharyn's house, face first yelling, "TTTTIIIMMMBBOOOO!!" He did this over and over again, then Logan finally joined in on all the fun. After several more minutes of playing and giggles, Logan felt that it was finally time to correct Silas. "This is fun, huh buddy, but it's not timbo, it's timble."

The first couple of days in OR all three of us suffered from allergies. Me, the most. Thank you Russian Elms...spawns of satan!! I asked Logan one morning how his allergies were and he replied, " They're okay, but mom my nose if stiffy."

We were driving through Tillamook, OR on our way to Astoria when we hit the unsavory stench of a cow manure pond. Very loudly from the back seat Silas pipes up, "EEEEWWWW yuck!! Icky kunk, I don yike dat smeel, ets a bad smeel. I don yike kunks mom, dey stinky."

As were were taking a family walk down the beach in Long Beach, WA we came across a very interesting seaweed. It was shaped like a tadpope with a 15 foot tail. At first glance, Logan says, "Hey look mom, its a horses whopper, how'd that get here?"

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