Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Saturday we took Trax into Salt Lake to see Temple Square. I'm so awful. Sometimes I just forget to take pictures! I didn't get one picture of the kids on the train.....what was I thinking? They had such a great time, and what a simple thing to do to make their day....a train ride. I'd like to go back to my childhood some days and be so easily pleased!

The weather was absolutely perfect. We never get 50 degree weather in December in Utah....I felt like I was in an alternate universe. This was the first year I've been to Temple Square where snow didn't cover the ground. I was completely prepared...just in case. We had a double stroller, blankets, an umbrella, boots, gloves, hats, snow pants...and of course not one drop of moisture. We made the trip with Jason's brother Dustin, and his family. We ate dinner at the Blue Iguana downtown. My Chile Verde Chimichanga was delicioso and I loved their salsa. Jason ate a 5 lb burrito. Yes, you read it correct, 5 lb. burrito! After 10 years of marriage I am still amazed at the amount of food he can put away.
Look out Man Vs. Food, you have an up and coming competitor in the making! He did get a free dessert
for all his effort. Silas didn't eat much. The first thing he did when his plate arrived was promptly grab a small piece of diced jalepeno that was sitting on top of the condiments at the side of the plate and pop it into his mouth. Before I had time to tell him no, he was instantly screaming! Ahhhh, the joys of eating out with children.

My camera could never due the lights justice, so I downloaded a few pics from off the internet.

He is a family picture.Notice the nice picture! Logan is barely smiling, and Silas is making the goofiest's a close up.
REALLY! We have one picture and this is what we get. Jason calls him our special needs child from this picture. He is just like his uncle Matt, who always made faces at this age!
Here are Dustin with Hatcher on his shoulders, Taska, Zailee and Emmi in the stroller. Emmi's looked so cute in her little pink beret.
Here are the kids at the main fountain/pond in front of the Temple.
Quite a beautiful nativity with the lights in the background and the reflection off the water.
I am always amazed at how beautiful the trees look all lit up. It's like a twinkling, magical Christmas garden. Every single branch of every tree is covered with lights. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time and work that must take. It was a great family night for a stroll and an uplifting Christmas experience!

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