Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, October 15, 2010


Oh, the drama.......and utter sorrow..............
the mourning, the sadness.......

the wailing, despair.....
and gnashing of teeth.............
To be 3 and so in LOVE with your "faveit bankie" that you sit in front of the washer sobbing because "he's gettin wet, I want my bankie mom.....give me my bankie back"! The interesting thing about Silas having a favorite blanket is that I really tried to make it so he wouldn't have one. We have 6 different colored blankets, all of which are the same size and made of the same soft material. We always have these blankets around, and when he was little I would rotate them each night he slept because I never wanted him to have a favorite. I have a good reason for not wanting him to have a favorite, my mother's experience with me. She told me that the only time she could wash my blanket was when I was sleeping, and she had to literally pull it from my grasp. During one of these "washings", when I was a little over 2 years old, I woke up after she had put it in the washer. Apparently I had a nuclear meltdown, and sat in front of the washer crying the entire time. She has a picture of me standing next to my blanket outside, clutching it while it is hanging on the clothes line. I stood next to it for over an hour while it was drying until I became so tired from crying that I fell asleep beneath it on the ground. Wherever I went, my blanket went too. If I didn't have my blanket, I couldn't sleep. I drug that thing around until I was 4, and it was literally in tatters. I still remember that blanket, and have fond memories, but I didn't want my boys to become so attached to something that they couldn't function without it. Unfortunately, Silas naturally gravitated to this one specific blanket, and I just didn't have the heart to take it away. The strange thing is that it was Logan's favorite blanket as well. This blanket was given to me by my Aunt Linda a month before Logan was born. It is a soft yellow (my favorite blanket was yellow too) with many different colors. About a year ago I had to start sneaking the blanket from Silas in the morning after he woke up to wash it so that it would be ready by nap time. This specific time Jason had taken the boys camping the night before and I had to wash it when they returned because it smelled like a campfire.