Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Silas asked for cereal for breakfast one morning. As I'm walking toward the cupboard I ask him what cereal he would like. He replies in such an adult manner, "Oh...I don't know. Maybe...fwosted snowflakes. Yah, dat sounds good. I'll haff fwosted snowflakes mom."

Logan walks up to me as I'm standing at the kitchen table, wraps his arms around me and says, "Mom, I'm so glad I chose this family. I love you so much!"

Silas yelled down to me from upstairs, "Mom, Logan fawted! Logan you gotta stop stinkin' out the place!"

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