Insightful Vinyl For The Week
"Don’t be gloomy. Do not dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face. “Accentuate the positive.” Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls of all ages. Welcome to the 3rd annual Silas Circus!

Silas asked for a Circus Train cake, so I gave it my best shot. Not too bad considering it only cost about $13 for everything.

The Engine.

The Engine and the first car which has a Rhino and Hippo.

Here is the Elephant and Warthog, the Zebra and Gazelle, an Alligator and Crane.
Here we have a car of Tigers, a car with a Lion and Lioness, a Gorilla and babies.

Here is the Gorilla. So sad I didn't get a better picture, this was Si's favorite one!

And last but not least. What is a circus train without a Giraffe caboose!

Hippo birdie two ewes. Hippo birdie two ewees. Hippo birdie to Silas, hippo birdie two ewes!!!

PRESENTS! Just look at that face. Beaming with excitement.
Ben 10 Alien shirt from his buddy Cohen! He's saying, "humungosaur" out of the side of his mouth.

It was a great celebration. It's so hard to believe he is already 3. My sweet little baby turning into a sweet little boy.

This last year has been quite a memorable one from breaking his leg by jumping off the truck onto the RV pad, to having hernia surgery. I think we've seen enough of hospitals to last several years. At least he hasn't had to have stitches yet, knock on wood. He's very active, and into everything, quite normal for a little boy. Magic Erasers and the Spot Bot have been my best friend this last year against Cyclone Silo. Just this last week alone I had to steam clean the couch upstairs because he rubbed an entire tube of chapstick all over the ottoman. I had to steam clean both cushions on the couch downstairs because he decided to take off his diaper while watching cartoons, and pee'd. I had to steam clean the carpet in several spots where he spilled french toast and syrup, colored on the carpet with a washable marker and where he decided to have a water fight with Logan using his sippy cup full of chocolate milk. As rambunctious as he is, I wouldn't trade him for anything! He's definitely a firecracker, or full of piss and vinegar as Nanna Sharyn says. I love to hear his "good mawnin mom" as he climbs into my bed each morning to snuggle or how he comes up to me for no reason, sometimes several times a day, "i wanna gif you luffs and kisses mom", and how he still wants me to rock him to sleep at night and sing him is "Siley truck song." He absolutely loves his big brother Logan. He follows him everywhere and wants to do everything that he does. Si was devastated when Logan started 1st grade this year because he is in all day school. He cried so hard the first couple days that I thought his little heart would break. Everyday during that first week he was asking me every 30 minutes, "Is et time yet to git Logan fwom school mom?", and when I would say not yet, he'd cry all over again. He's quite independent, very adventurous and not afraid of many things. There have been several times when I'd go to wake him up in the morning and his closet door would be wide open. This went on for several mornings until I finally asked him why his closet door was opened. He said to me, "Aye hode a noise in da cwosit last night, and so I went to see if a monsto was theo." He didn't call out to us in the middle of the night, or come and wake us up, he checked it out himself. He loves "keytos" (taquitos) m&ms, "cooby cooby doo, wet are you", his "faveit bankie", matchbox cars, suckers, "choket miyoke", and puzzles.